There is a chance that at least one time in a heating systems working life it will need draining, because of leaking pipework or to replace defective parts such as valves etc. If you are going to drain your system, you must make sure that you plan it carefully. It is always a good idea to consider the services of a professional plumbing company who employ tradesmen like such as a Charlton Plumber. Basic instructions:Be sure the electrical power is totally isolated for the whole system as circulating pumps can have a permanent live electrical feed. Should the system be vented, shut the main supply valve to the system. If the system is a sealed one it will not need this action because there isnt a water connection.Draining.Locate the drain cock at a low point in the system, normally near the boiler. Connect the hose and open the valve.Select a radiator high in the system and open the air release valve with a radiator bleed key. This helps the draining process by putting air into the system, you will hear the air rushing in. Very slowly open more radiators ensuring to do the higher radiators first until they are all opened up.When the water has been drained it is wise to close the radiator to make sure that the system is ready to fill and to ensure their bleed valves, are not lost if they were removed.Note:The water that is drained from a heating system will be black as ink in colour, therefore, it is wise to cover over the areas of floor that will come into contact with this water with some protection like a sheet. Charlton Plumbers are experienced in draining down such systems.

Drain a Heating System
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